Philippines Premier Provider of Outsourcing Solutions

Welcome to Tedcon Consulting, your reliable service provider for business process outsourcing needs.
What we’re doing

Services We Offer

We're not just any other outsourcing provider—we're your partner for growth & success.

grow exponentially in 2023 & beyond

Offshoring For Growth

BPO services that are designed to help you streamline your operations, reduce costs, and drive growth and innovation.

proven track record

world-class team

ready to discuss your outsourcing needs?

Let's Talk

Whether you have a question about our BPO services, want to learn more about our resources, or simply need assistance, our team is here to help. Contact us today.
Teddy Cortez - President/CEO

    We are the prime destination for BPO services in the Philippines

    Leverage Outsourcing to Maximize Your Growth With Tedcon Consulting